

Main Entrance Feng Shui
July 8, 2017

Main Entrance Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, main door or entrance is given very high degree of importance and that’s because it’s the main door from where the Qi energy enters into your home. Now, I’m sure that you’re aware of the problems that very fast or extremely slow moving Qi and misbalance of 5 elements (and colors) can lead to and that’s why its extremely important that you feng shui…

Waving Cat Feng Shui
September 7, 2016

Waving Cat Feng Shui

Lucky cats are traditional Asian items which represent good fortune and protection. Those who have lucky cats in their homes or working spaces will have their protection as well as the wealth benefits they attract. You can place lucky cats at any environment where you wish wealth to come. Most of the times, there are two lucky cats represented together, one of…

Complete Feng Shui
August 14, 2016

Complete Feng Shui

Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode. When you imagine the spaces where you feel the most inspired, rejuvenated and energized, you probably picture a retreat or wellness sanctuary. But why not make your own home a complete wellness sanctuary? Enter the concept of Feng Shui, which is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone…

Dragonfly Symbol in Feng Shui
April 3, 2014

Dragonfly Symbol in Feng Shui

The dragonfly earns its name from the many myths associated to it. It is believed to have come from dragons. A Chinese belief purports that the insect is the embodiment of the soul of the dragon; the latter is a symbol of happiness. Dragonfly in science Scientifically, the dragonfly is an insect that belongs to the family Odonata. This name comes from the Greek…

Feng Shui Bedroom Direction
March 23, 2015

Feng Shui Bedroom Direction

Feng Shui bedroom tip and colours from Feng Shui Master Alan Stirling Feng Shui Bedroom tips on colours and ideas for better sleep are essential factors in our quality of life. We spend about a third of our life recharging our bodies and restoring our health, with less sleep we become irritable and miserable. Conversely when we sleep well our renewed energy allows…

Amethyst Feng Shui
June 8, 2014

Amethyst Feng Shui

Amethyst crystal is unique among all crystals in its popularity, as well as affordability. Mother nature has been very generous with the available amethyst; this makes it affordable to choose it for your office, home, garden and even your car! One of the most popular uses of amethyst is in a cluster or tall geode, as well as tumbled rock form. The deeper and…

Feng Shui Exterior House colors
May 4, 2015

Feng Shui Exterior House colors

Feng shui for home design creates harmony and energy balance around and inside of a house. The feng shui of a house is determined by house exterior design, interior decorating and surroundings that are harmonious and healthy. House roof colors, exterior and roof styles, front yard landscaping ideas and home interiors are important elements of feng shui that helps…

Crystal Feng Shui Placement
June 7, 2017

Crystal Feng Shui Placement

Photo: (c) Crystal towers, also called generators, bring strong, grounding feng shui energy that is different from the energy of crystal clusters. While crystal clusters spread energy with a dynamic often resembling fireworks - aiming vibrant energy currents in many directions; the crystal generator works in a different manner. A crystal…

Peacock Feng Shui Meaning
May 6, 2014

Peacock Feng Shui Meaning

Incorporate the potent image of the peacock into your life for increased luck, success, and love. Feeling a bit drab and unstylish lately? Do you desire a greater sense of vibrancy in your life experience? Has the recognition you’ve worked so hard for been constantly out of your grasp? If you’ve answered, “yes” to any of these questions, it may be time…

Feng Shui colors for Rooms
June 12, 2015

Feng Shui colors for Rooms

By Lea McLellan So you pulled an all-nighter cramming for your biology test, but as soon as your number two pencil hit the scantron sheet, you promptly forgot everything you had studied the previous caffeine-fueled night. Before you decide to change your major, think about whether or not your dorm room might be partly to blame. Even for people who have never…

Feng Shui Music for Balance and Harmony
January 3, 2014

Feng Shui Music for Balance and Harmony

This Silicon Valley oasis was designed by high-tech icon David Lam, implementing time-tested Feng Shui principles. Its distinctive features include well-planned directional placements and architectural elements of light, wood, stone and water, achieving balance and harmony.The emblem on the gate is the symbol for luck, and luck is carried throughout the estate…

Feng Shui Good Luck Symbols
April 24, 2014

Feng Shui Good Luck Symbols

Online Spiritual Shopping: Shop online for feng shui, yantra, idols, gemstones, rudraksha and more @ Feng Shui Chinese Coins for Wealth & Goodluck This will keep wealth energy constantly beside you, always opening up new opportunities. Three gold coins which are strung together on a red strings is a symbolism of a magnet for wealth luck…

Feng Shui plants Placement
January 17, 2016

Feng Shui plants Placement

Bonsai and Feng Shui are two ancient practices that both represent prosperity, harmony and peace. In recent years, people have begun to combine the two practices in an effort to bring balance and beauty to the home. What Is Feng Shui? Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that concentrates on the placement of items and arrangement of space to achieve environmental…

Garden Feng Shui Principles
August 26, 2016

Garden Feng Shui Principles

Too many good gardeners feel unfulfilled in their landscapes, for one simple reason: A lack of good feng shui. Feng shui (pronounced “fung-shway”) is not a nasty word, or a religion, or anything of the sort; it is simply the ancient art of good placement, indoors and out. It is the practice of situating objects so they are comfortable, relaxing and soothing…

Books on Feng Shui
May 18, 2014

Books on Feng Shui

This book by Karen Kingston was revised and updated in 2016 after its initial debut in 1998 when feng shui first began to enter the U.S. mainstream. Although this book teaches relatively little about feng shui as an art and ancient practice, it offers practical tips to help you live without clutter. In essence, it s a space-clearing guide, and the author draws…

Feng Shui in English
June 26, 2014

Feng Shui in English

LIFE PATH, CAREER – Phoenix Like the phoenix, you are reborn from you ashes. The past few weeks, you felt a little stuck and you took time to cocoon, did some researches and put your current life into perspective. During May, the opportunities arise and the idea of changing your life style and/or your career, are now emerging. LOVE, RELATIONSHIPS – Forgiveness…

Compass Feng Shui Directions
April 15, 2017

Compass Feng Shui Directions

**This app uses your devices internal compass, please ensure it has one. Magnetic/metal cases will effect the compass performance.** Imagine going to that business lunch and knowing which chair to choose to give you best chance of winning the deal or getting the job. Use the Best Study Compass to enhance your skills and knowledge. Use the Best Sleep Compass to…

Animal Crossing Wild World Feng Shui
March 10, 2017

Animal Crossing Wild World Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the art of placing different colors of furniture in specific parts of your rooms, to bring luck and good fortune. Furniture colors are not always obvious just by looking at a piece of furniture, so it helps to have a good reference handy to find out what colors your pieces of furniture are. How do I get good Feng Shui? For good Feng Shui, you should…

Feng Shui Bedroom Decorating
April 18, 2017

Feng Shui Bedroom Decorating

But there’s one Feng Shui idea that always belongs in your bedroom: the colors, shapes and materials of the Fire element. Within your body and in your surrounding environment, the Fire element is tied to every aspect of love, connectedness, passion, and of course, Heart. Fire and its red colors represent the flow of your bloodstream, nourishing your body and…

Best Color for front door Feng Shui
February 23, 2017

Best Color for front door Feng Shui

May you have warm words on a cool evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a smooth road all the way to your door . -Irish Toast The front door is called the “mouth of chi” in Feng Shui because it’s where all good energy, or chi, enters you home, even if you come in through the garage or the back porch. The front door typically faces the street, and this symbolizes…

Sleeping Directions Feng Shui
October 11, 2016

Sleeping Directions Feng Shui

Feng shui (also fung-shay or Fung shui) is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Heaven (astronomy) and Earth (geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive qi. The original designation for the discipline is Kan Yu - literally: Tao of heaven and earth. Historically, feng shui was widely used to orient buildings—often…

Yin Yang Feng Shui
June 22, 2016

Yin Yang Feng Shui

The Yin Yang theory is one of the main theories of all ancient Chinese schools of thought. The traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the ancient martial arts, feng shui, the I Ching, and the whole Taoism cosmology are all based on the dynamics of Yin and Yang. According to this theory, everything in our Universe is composed of two opposing, but deeply interconnected…

Feng Shui Wealth Vase
November 1, 2016

Feng Shui Wealth Vase

The feng shui wealth vase is one of the oldest feng shui abundance cures. In fact, it is considered an ancient cure brought to China from India many centuries ago; the making of the wealth vase is still a tradition (and a sacred offering) in many Tibetan Buddhist Temples. First, watch our short feng shui video that explains step-by-step how to make your very…